In my opinion, what happened to David Wilcock is the almost inevitable result of buying into a massive global conspiracy. Over time, people become more and more gullible. Eventually, they will believe almost everything. Wilcock is not the first to be "had," and he won't be the last.
Wilcock began with a marketing strategy. Like many people in the new age field, he needed to create a niche for himself.
Over time, he has been increasingly de-emphasizing the Cayce angle. He didn't need it anymore.
He still talks about Ra (law of one). However, he pretty much stopped the channeling business, too.
Wilcock was simply conned. In that way, he is not unlike some people I knew online who followed Harold Camping - the guy who predicted the rapture for 2011.
It is the old story of the conman getting conned. P.T. Barnum was right.
Wilcock's supposed source, "Drake," is now claiming that certain people in the military gave him the wrong dates.
Sadly, some people are still following this radical libertarian mumbo jumbo.
Roy Bhaskar certainly developed dialectical materialism in his work, particularly focusing on different moments of the dialectic. For instance, in dialectical critical realism, he described transformation like this: absence→absenting the absence→transformation. However, in his philosophy of metaReality, which he first proposed in 2001, he began exploring the nondual ground state which, he said, underlies everything. Is that ground state material? I don't know. I would say it is natural, assuming that the term "nature" is broadened to accommodate what he called the cosmic envelope. Also, in 2000, Bhaskar indicated that he also believed in something like reincarnation. Roy went through a personal transformation beginning with his transcendental dialectical critical realism in 2000. He also spent some time in his father's homeland of India.
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